Character Profiles


A cat/rabbit hybrid in his early 20s.
He lives with his divorced mother in the suburbs of the city.
He tries to keep a stoic lone-wolf persona but is actually very touch starved.
Disillusioned on the idea of having a normal healthy life,he spends his days rotting in his room.


A dog in his early 20s.
His twin sister and him imprinted on each other when they were both puppies,making them inseparable.
Ami is the more energetic and outgoing twin,while his sister Emi is the more reserved one.
Becomes agitated if alone for too long,the thought of losing his loved ones terrifies him.

Missing People


A chihuahua streamer,assumed to be 19.
While his real name is unknown,he goes by the handle "molga" online.
Started streaming during the start of the "" streaming website,known for it's lax rules and high viewership rate.
Became infamous on the internet for filming himself having mental breakdowns.
Went missing 6 months ago,his fanbase speculating that he killed himself.